September 26, 2010

Look into my eyes!: Bliss and Peace!

Look into my eyes!: Bliss and Peace!

Bliss and Peace!

It reins through my veins...

It soothes my brains!

It gives me as much,'s only your touch :-)

March 13, 2010

Lulled with love!

It's you with whom I fell in  love...

It's you who made me laugh!

It's you who touched my lips...

Making me go wild in love:-) 

March 06, 2010

The drizzling effect!!!

Walking in the rain,
Dancing with the tune...
Care to shed off tears,
Holding hands with you...
Love knows no bound,
Marks ages with a crown...
Love...with you,
Time keeps coming around!!!

February 17, 2010

Side effects of Love

You touched me, I went pink…

You hugged me, I became fat!

You kissed me, I melted…

You loved me, I was reborn!!!

January 06, 2010

Retrospect, Reminisce, Revamp!

Probably those are the 3Rs we all plan to stop over before an old year ends and a new year starts! Do we at all better our lives by retrospection? Or reminiscing and for that matter revamp the entire flow of our lives? Combining these 3, does a concept called New Year Resolution (again an R) crop up? With no vicinity with either of these R’s in my conscious state of mind, I keep on thinking to better myself. Asking the question to myself every year, have I grown up? I definitely did (with friends wishing me on my birthday)! But have I grown up in thoughts, in my sensibilities, judging capacity and alike?

That’s the question that definitely makes me retrospect and reminisce with no ideal answer as to whether I do anything to revamp the structure for betterment! Probably that is the reason why very few take up New Year resolutions and a fraction of those few can actually revamp the OLD to make it NEW. Revamping doesn’t happen overnight. It has to be a gradual process like growing up.

It is better not to take resolute resolutions every New Year, but try to learn from the past for making the future a brand new story. Let me know how many of you actually believe in those 4 R’s and think it can help to better yourself. You could also add or delete any other alphabet (like R) that you might think fit. 

December 16, 2009

Unified in heaven...???

They say marriages are made in heaven… Is it? The concept of merger between two souls is definitely most widely accepted in every society. Marriages actually work just in the similar manner a merger works – eligible partners are selected, a consideration of a lifetime is set (nothing financial, all emotional), the two parties agree to it and the shareholders (family members, friends and relatives) usher their consent (through blessings). The deal is ultimately finalized with one more financial management concept – higher the risk, higher the return! All these risks are high in case of an arranged marriage (leave aside the love factor, for now!) – leading to only another statistical concept – it’s all a probability!

Deal is closed – success or failure of the merger would only be known in the days to come. Allowing hope to remain with us, heaven-made mergers (oops! marriages) can only bring eternal bliss. Or was there something planned on the contrary? All faults of those who haven’t read the rule book of merger and as a result, disclaimers have only piled up to bring solace.

No, be it anything but marriages are neither a financial methodology nor a valuation (de-success of which can allow it to be called off). It takes understanding, maturity, focus, strength of character, proper implementation of plans, third-party smiles and a forgiving attitude to build up a successful marriage! No hard and fast steps for a successful marriage – these are just the broad outlines that knocked my brains (though I am unmarried). Do let me know the traits, that you think, would act as catalysts for a merger (marriage) success! Only one conclusion, they should now at least say, mergers are heaven-made! Don’t blame Tata or Corus for that matter – they probably hadn’t read the rule book properly or hadn’t come across the blissful touch from heaven…