August 07, 2009

Do re mi fa....!

So, I was fighting. The duration was long enough, at least long enough for me to collapse – but I kept the pace and steered along (though reaching the 5th gear was almost impossible). I staggered along in the 2nd gear – looking forward to the road such that I don’t bang onto something. Concentration was a must, keeping the eyes open was a mandatory factor, allowing fellow passer’s to zoom along was required and having the driving sense (read technicalities of life) was probably the conditional factor to stay stable.
However, all these were not my forte. I had to learn, learn from people I mixed, learnt from people whom I just saw, or learnt from people about whom I heard. They all played a huge role to inculcate these habits in me. At the end of it, I summed it up like this –

...Life is a harsh drive,
Meant for all who can ride,
Ride the road keeping your eyes wide
You may be hit even if you do it right!!!

So, tune it right, play it right and lastly sing it right.

August 06, 2009

Known ancestral link (((::::)))

You will be surprised to find a similarity in all my blogs...Guess what? No couldn't! All my blogs do have at least one question in it - just for you to scratch your brains! How can we forget the age-old link to our 'most beloved ancestral trait' (of scratching the brain)? Forgot the members of the zoo? The chimpanzees have been a wonder to watch always - but somewhere we excel! I mean human beings excel...and this desire to excel more takes us into an illusion.

Illusion? Well...the touch of it, is a feeling which not many desire. So, it is always preferable to let the practical tinge bite you, after all - you need to stay glued to reality at times. Things became worse for me when I landed myself in a disillusioned state of affairs trying to gather bits from the neighbourhood - only ending up in self pity.

The thought of staring at the blank endless blue sky sometimes augmented the situation of my getting stabbed by illusion. I fought back, tried hard and conquered at the end to my surprise..Want to know how? Read my next blog for the continued era of events...!

Who's there???

A face in the dark? Have you been haunted by such images? Did you fear them? How did you tackle the atrocities that your mind had to offer? Is there too many questions on the block? I did many a times got haunted by such dark figures...face were dreadful, tried to escape it, but in vain! The more I tried to shun away, more firmly its grip entangled me...I was totally in the loop.

Life showed its patterns (mainly geometrical) in varied manners - thus I adopted the strategy to smile back at the dark face in the dark... I don't know whether it saw me, but I enjoyed laughing back at it. I had no reasons to escape, I realised. The pang of pain slowly eased out, making me get the fresh feel of those lovely wild flowers.

I also realised the canvas of life needs to be made colorful, otherwise the grey shades might be too much in quantum to overshadow you. I learnt to breathe deep, I also learnt to hide tears, I learnt to pass through the Looooooonnnnnggggggggg tunnel, I learnt to fight back, I learnt not to lean down but walk upright and straight. The words wouldn't be enough to pen down the exact timely feelings, but I shall definitely try to send across a message to all who are reading my blog.

Learn to fight, live to smile - because we are born for it. Check the difference - and I am sure you will (even by 0.5%) by following this.

Random thoughts((::))

Thoughts bewildered...feelings entangled and emotions disintegrated - that is what is my status at present. Work is worship - made to believe this adage right from the time I gathered senses - and another maxim which comes to mind - ' All work and no play' makes Jack a dull boy... Now, will all worship logically make Jack a dull boy? It's upto you to decide. For me, the disintegrated, entangled and bewildered thoughts should get diluted to ease the mind, otherwise peace shall not be found. I aim to attain peace - strategy is to laugh and let others laugh. Work till a limit that you can worship your own feelings and emotions - don't let it dry out. A desert (inspite of an oasis) is not desirable. Life comes as a chance to us - chance to live the moment, chance to let others enjoy the moment with you, chance to enrich yourself and 'flow with the flow'. You surely wouldn't like to become 'post dated'!!

Make yourself indispensable - that is how one will feel your absence...Presence is something which is void, nullify it with your absence.