Warfield! How would you define that? Life? Love? Work? Relations? Doesn’t that all succumb together to form one whole factor as a field for war. But who is the opponent here? With whom have you been fighting? How well have you been fighting? What instruments have you been using? Aren’t you getting bored of the too many strategic warfares? Have you ever asked these questions to yourself? If not, ask them now and get it answered. No one, except you, can best answer them.
As for me, the war field was already set the moment I gained senses. It was difficult; mastering the art of fighting everyday was even harsher. Rudely, I learnt it and I am still learning it. Probably, one learns this art till the last day of leaving aside the breath. Family, friends, foes, peers, bosses, acquaintances – they all helped in mastering this ever growing ‘Warfield tactics’. With bounds unlimited, thoughts unwrapped, desires flung open, dreams set out, instincts put forward – I learnt how to minimize the rate of a ‘strange liquid coming out of my eyes’. I tried not to let my eyes swell with this ‘liquid’ at times when the Warfield was all fuming.
Efforts did pay off at times, but mostly I was zapped, not being able to set the limit for the horizon. The strange liquid was mostly witnessed by only “I”, “me” and “myself”. Probably that’s what coined up the ‘stone’ in me – gathering all pace to laugh always although the strange liquid tried to gush out. Here, I stand the winner!
Life, love, work, relations – all of you have made me what I am, who I am! For the good part of me, thanks to all the ‘strange liquid’ and for the bad part in me, thanks to the ‘stone man’ in my life. I couldn’t help it…
Those who are reading this, I wish, you reign supreme to throw away that stone man/woman in your lives! Could you at all guess who the stone man/woman is?
As for me, the war field was already set the moment I gained senses. It was difficult; mastering the art of fighting everyday was even harsher. Rudely, I learnt it and I am still learning it. Probably, one learns this art till the last day of leaving aside the breath. Family, friends, foes, peers, bosses, acquaintances – they all helped in mastering this ever growing ‘Warfield tactics’. With bounds unlimited, thoughts unwrapped, desires flung open, dreams set out, instincts put forward – I learnt how to minimize the rate of a ‘strange liquid coming out of my eyes’. I tried not to let my eyes swell with this ‘liquid’ at times when the Warfield was all fuming.
Efforts did pay off at times, but mostly I was zapped, not being able to set the limit for the horizon. The strange liquid was mostly witnessed by only “I”, “me” and “myself”. Probably that’s what coined up the ‘stone’ in me – gathering all pace to laugh always although the strange liquid tried to gush out. Here, I stand the winner!
Life, love, work, relations – all of you have made me what I am, who I am! For the good part of me, thanks to all the ‘strange liquid’ and for the bad part in me, thanks to the ‘stone man’ in my life. I couldn’t help it…
Those who are reading this, I wish, you reign supreme to throw away that stone man/woman in your lives! Could you at all guess who the stone man/woman is?