Warfield! How would you define that? Life? Love? Work? Relations? Doesn’t that all succumb together to form one whole factor as a field for war. But who is the opponent here? With whom have you been fighting? How well have you been fighting? What instruments have you been using? Aren’t you getting bored of the too many strategic warfares? Have you ever asked these questions to yourself? If not, ask them now and get it answered. No one, except you, can best answer them.
As for me, the war field was already set the moment I gained senses. It was difficult; mastering the art of fighting everyday was even harsher. Rudely, I learnt it and I am still learning it. Probably, one learns this art till the last day of leaving aside the breath. Family, friends, foes, peers, bosses, acquaintances – they all helped in mastering this ever growing ‘Warfield tactics’. With bounds unlimited, thoughts unwrapped, desires flung open, dreams set out, instincts put forward – I learnt how to minimize the rate of a ‘strange liquid coming out of my eyes’. I tried not to let my eyes swell with this ‘liquid’ at times when the Warfield was all fuming.
Efforts did pay off at times, but mostly I was zapped, not being able to set the limit for the horizon. The strange liquid was mostly witnessed by only “I”, “me” and “myself”. Probably that’s what coined up the ‘stone’ in me – gathering all pace to laugh always although the strange liquid tried to gush out. Here, I stand the winner!
Life, love, work, relations – all of you have made me what I am, who I am! For the good part of me, thanks to all the ‘strange liquid’ and for the bad part in me, thanks to the ‘stone man’ in my life. I couldn’t help it…
Those who are reading this, I wish, you reign supreme to throw away that stone man/woman in your lives! Could you at all guess who the stone man/woman is?
How about a debate? How about arguing? How about putting forth your views to others in a way that people understand you? How about being informative? Too many how’s??? Well… actually faced a debate topic (Job satisfaction is more important than money) at office on the eve of Independence Day celebrations and successfully had put across my views to a host a people listening to me. The day at office started off in the usual manner, a hitch in my mind –whether I will be able to speak well! Actually would be on a debate forum after a long time. Avoided too much of self indulgence – as that was making me a bit skeptical. But then, the ironical part of the entire debate process was that I was the last speaker – one who would be closing the debate (talking against the motion). I tried to cool down, stay calm and just be myself. Just that did happen – to my surprise…
Went on my speech – though had jotted down a few pointers, but when I started everything went on haywire and I formulated a different flow all together. Excerpts of what I spoke –
Actually my last opponent had ended on a note of marriage – making it easier for me to take the cue. All thanks to him!
“We look at security. Financial security. Yes, talking about a girl who is getting married. Will parents get their daughter married off with a guy who is not financially secured? Would they ask the groom – are you satisfied with the job or would indirectly try to know (sometimes directly also) how much is the monthly earning capacity? Will my daughter be well off? The society that we live in today says outright – ‘The man who has the money makes the rules’.
Making it simpler, with one real life instance. X is a management student of finance – geared in a way to believe that working in a core finance environment – doing valuations for various firms, number crunching is what X should be doing after getting graduated. And also to add to that, it is something that X also liked doing, so pursuing higher studies in that field made him realize the dreams more. But destiny had something in store. X had a load on his back of a hefty educational loan and also had to support his family for personal reasons. With no option, he accepted a job in a media house – entirely swayed from his dream that he was pursuing till now. Though once, twice – but didn’t have a chance to think thrice as the duties and responsibilities called for sacrificing the ‘job satisfaction’ mode. He was paid handsome enough to sustain his cost of living, pay the loan off and also support his family to some extent. Initial few months – he argued with his conscience – is it money all that I need? Why am I doing this? Every time, mind out spoke the heart and he stayed back at the job sacrificing the ‘satisfaction’ quotient. Came a time, when gradually he was succumbing to the pressure and was made to satisfy himself with the job – after all his needs and wants were being fulfilled by the employer.
This social evil – (I mean money) is something which one can’t deny. The one who denies it – I am sure he/she loves to stay in the ‘self-denial’ mode. Be it getting a house for yourself, or getting a decent respect in the society or up keeping all your responsibilities you need this evil to be with you.
Job satisfaction is not that important as compared to money in today’s world. You work and you get want your pay – there are a lot of commitments waiting for you back home. Otherwise who shall take care of the ‘necessary jargons’ – like ‘recession, crunch, crisis….’ (The list is endless)?
Those who say ‘Money, isn't everything’, ‘Don't be so money minded’, ‘I don't care about money’, with due respect to their thoughts, the crude fact remains like this – money is that important component which makes the entire world spin. Next time you plan a vacation with your family but you do not have the finances to meet the requirements – would you excuse yourself and your family with the thought? – ‘I am satisfied with my job’?
Answer this question yourself and be true to yourself (nobody is hearing you(((:))))!